We Craft Exceptional Customer Experiences for Independent Natural Product Retailers.

Ideavo elevates customer experiences both online and in-store. Empowering employees to provide personalized service and keep customers engaged at every touchpoint, building loyalty that lasts.


Recapture Lost Sales with the Lost Sales Generator

Get your free guide on how to keep customers engaged when they encounter an out-of-stock item. Discover strategies to turn customer disappointment into loyalty and prevent lost sales to competitors.


"Since adopting Ideavo, our natural foods market has transformed its customer service experience, leading to increased sales and stronger customer loyalty. The platform has helped us engage shoppers more effectively and keep them coming back."

Joe Samples


Empower Customers with the Product Data They Need to Buy with Confidence

Provide your customers with comprehensive product details through full integration with your point of sale, enhanced with manufacturer data from The Data Council Rivir product. With access to nutrition facts, supplement information, and product images, customers and employees can make informed choices, boosting customer satisfaction and driving sales.

Turn Out-of-Stock Moments into Opportunities for Lasting Loyalty

When items are unavailable, keep customers engaged with proactive communication and personalized support. With automated notifications, stock updates, and alternative options, you can convert missed sales into loyal, returning customers and gain valuable insights to improve inventory planning.

Boost Sales with Engaging Product Suggestions and Specialty Lists

Provide customers with tailored product suggestions through specialty lists that can be added to their own shopping and favorites. Employees can create and share store-wide lists for sales, recipes, and unique categories, helping customers discover new products and enhancing their shopping experience.

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